Every believer will break the law's moral commandments. Based on that understanding, I agree that someone being called "least in the kingdom of heaven" is saved by grace and a part of the kingdom of heaven.

But this is a place where I don't think the KJV does a good job. The word the KJV translates "break" is translated "annuls" in the NASB, which goes beyond disobeying a command to removing the commandment as one to be followed. One who "annuls" doesn't consider the commandment a commandment that needs to be obeyed and tries to convince others the same. If such a person makes it into the kingdom of heaven they will certainly be at the be very lowest status in a kingdom filled with people who believe in and obey Jesus. I also preached on this passage.


I get into what fulfilled means, how that relates to what Christians should obey today, and what constitutes a righteousness greater than the Pharisees. The sermon goes through v. 26 s, so it should comment on at least another one of these articles.

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RMB, I appreciated your sermon. Thanks

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