A firm faith rejects the captious and useless questions of philosophy, and truth does not become the victim of falsehood by yielding to the fallacies of human absurdities. It does not confine God within the terms of ordinary understanding, nor does it judge of Christ, in whom “the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily” [Col2:9], “according to the rudiments of the world.” [Col 2:8]
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Hilary of Poitiers
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A firm faith rejects the captious and useless questions of philosophy, and truth does not become the victim of falsehood by yielding to the fallacies of human absurdities. It does not confine God within the terms of ordinary understanding, nor does it judge of Christ, in whom “the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily” [Col2:9], “according to the rudiments of the world.” [Col 2:8]