As a Christian, I see indirect persecution everywhere I go. Direct intellectual persecution is all over media too. Not sure that is what you had in mind, but it is like Lot living in Sodom. Peter made a commented.

2 Peter 2:7

He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men

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I did comment on our indirect persecution. I do continue to wonder...that the persecution is not more direct - at me as an individual - physically (even intellectually), is this because I am not approaching living like Christ?

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Interestingly, and in contrast, I stumbled upon this link yesterday - https://gorthodox.com/en/news-item/demand-for-new-churches-unfilled-in-moscow-as-100-new-churches-quickly-fill-up - FYI

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Thank you for sharing this. One more reason we are supposed to hate Russia, I think.

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