Having Begun in the Spirit
Oh, are ye so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are ye perfecting in the flesh that which was begun in the Spirit?
Absolute Surrender, Andrew Murray
This question is asked by the apostle Paul to the Galatians. As Murray sees it, the Church today (and in his time) fails just for this reason. However, I will make it more personal: is this why our (my) Christian life is so feeble? We (I) try to perfect the work in the flesh, not through the Spirit?
Nothing will help you unless you come to understand that you must live every day under the power of the Holy Spirit.
Receiving the Holy Spirit is the beginning of the Christian life, but it isn’t the end of it. As Paul writes, “having begun in the Spirit,” before noting that the Galatians have returned to the flesh. In other words, they began in the Spirit, but they then neglected the Spirit and turned to the flesh.
…every day all their life should be lived in the power of the Spirit. A man cannot live one hour a godly life unless by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He may live a proper life, on the surface almost irreproachable. But it is not a life acceptable to God. It cannot be, unless the man is guided every day and hour by the Holy Spirit.
How have I seen this manifest in my life? It is an experience we all have. Consider, making resolutions, or a list of characteristics into which one wishes to grow – meaningful, life changing actions and characteristics.
I then ask myself: How must I act, what must I do, how shall I train, what rules must I follow?
It is a return to the law. A list of rules and actions, driven by my will, my self-effort. But this is not often successful, even for the most superficial of changes. It is never successful in living a godly life; this takes begin born again (a renewed self), and this requires the Holy Spirit.
Murray writes the following regarding the Church, but my task is much more local, so I have modified his words:
All the feebleness in [me] is owing to [my] refusal…to obey God.
I try to obey; I vow to obey. Yet, I fail.
…you fail because you do not accept the strength of God. God alone can work out His will in you. You cannot work out God’s will, but His Holy Spirit can….
The answer: yield to the Holy Spirit. Murray does not meaningfully expand on the “how.” I believe it comes to regular conversation with God (prayer) and regular time in Scripture to understand His will.
I have often noted: it is the easiest thing to know God’s will; He has given us a book by which we can know.
…you can have no conception of what your life would be in the power of the Holy Spirit. … [the Holy Spirit can] come into your heart that with His divine power He may sanctify you and enable you to do God’s blessed will….
Our God delights to help us. He will enable us to perfect, not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, what was begun in the Spirit.